Gadi Kaufman employs a unique pain therapy treatment known as Strain Counterstrain (also known as Positional Therapy). It can be used to treat a wide variety of ailments, and is primarily utilized for pain relief.

Strain Counterstrain was developed by Lawrence Jones, D.O. It has been used for over 50 years to improve range of motion and flexibility in athletes and other patients.

Strain Counterstrain has been proven successful on all patient populations, including orthopedic, neurological, geriatric, and pediatric.

Strain Counterstrain eliminates protective muscle spasm in skeletal muscles.

It is common knowledge that a skeletal muscle like the biceps muscle can go into protective muscle spasm. What is less widely known is the “protective muscle spasm reflex”. When a muscle goes into spasm, its fibers constrict the blood vessels in the body and cause them to become rigid and inflexible, which increases blood pressure and slows overall blood circulation.

If you were to lay out all of the blood vessels in one adult, end-to-end, they would stretch about 60,000 miles.

In turn, the muscles are not able to receive enough oxygen (hypoxia), and are less efficient in removing lactic acid buildup, which is often the cause of pain. All of this affects joint range of motion which can also lead to nerve entrapment.

Strain Counterstrain is a manual therapy whereby the clinician uses only his own hands for the treatment of muscle and joint pain. He uses passive body positioning of hypertonic (spasmed) muscles and dysfunctional joints toward positions of comfort or tissue ease that passively shorten and slacken the offending muscles.

The purpose of movement toward shortening is to relax aberrant reflexes that produce the muscle spasm. This forces immediate reduction of muscle tone to normal levels. It allows the joints influenced by the now-relaxed muscle to function optimally, increasing their range of motion and easing muscle and joint pain.

Strain Counterstrain is an effective but extremely gentle technique because its action for treatment moves the patient’s body away from the painful, restricted directions of motion. At the same time it is very profound because it manipulates the core of the human body— the nervous system. This is why it has the ability to achieve major physiological changes, even if the symptoms have been there for a long time, even after years.

Treatment Areas

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Demonstration of Treatment

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